How To Clean My Own Windows Like A Pro?

Want to learn how to clean your own windows like a pro window washer?

In Puget Sound, especially in cities with lots of homes by the water like Gig Harbor, Tacoma, and University Place to name a few, cleaning your windows may seem to be a never-ending task as we are always one storm away from having to clean them again.

If you have decided it is time to clean your windows, we’ve provided this guide to help you get your own windows looking great. The basis of this is, and will always be using a professional grade squeegee. One we recommend is both a squeegee and a scrubber, and it is reasonably priced at under $20. We understand using a squeegee instead of only towels isn’t always an easy task, but if you want your windows to look great even in direct sunlight they are a must! Now, let’s dive into the steps below so you can have your windows sparkling again.

*Please always utilize the utmost caution when you are cleaning windows. Whether you are reaching at an awkward angle on the ground, or you are climbing a ladder, there is never a time that you are being too cautious. If you feel uncomfortable, even in the slightest, you are probably doing something unsafe.

Step 1: Gather your supplies

The first step in cleaning your own windows is to gather all the necessary supplies. This includes a bucket, squeegee, scrubber, cleaning solution, and lint-free cloths. You can either buy a commercial cleaning solution or make your own using a mixture of water and a little bit of dawn dish soap.

Step 2: Preparing the window

Before you start cleaning the window, you need to prepare it by removing any dust or debris that may have accumulated on the surface. You can do this by using a dry cloth or a vacuum cleaner.

Step 3: Apply the cleaning solution

Once the window is free from any dust or debris, it is time to apply the cleaning solution. You can either spray the solution onto the window or apply it using a cloth or a scrubber.

Step 4: Scrub the window

After applying the cleaning solution, use a scrubber to scrub the window, paying extra attention to any stubborn stains or marks.

Step 5: Squeegee the window

Once you have scrubbed the window, it is time to squeegee it. Start at the top of the window and pull the squeegee down towards the bottom in a straight line, wiping the blade clean after each stroke.

Step 6: Wipe away any excess water

After squeegeeing the window, use a lint-free cloth to wipe away any excess water, paying attention to the corners and edges.

Step 7: Repeat the process

If the window is particularly dirty or has not been cleaned in a while, you may need to repeat the process. This will ensure that the window is left sparkling clean.

If you have any questions on any of this please let us know by contacting Also, if you are in the Puget Sound area in any location shown on our map at the bottom of the page and you won’t want to clean your windows yourself, let you know and we’ll give you a free estimate. Or, just more about how we approach window cleaning.

When is the best time to clean my windows?

As a professional window, gutter, and roof cleaning business, we often get asked when the best time is to clean windows. The answer to this question isn’t always straightforward, as it depends on a variety of factors, including the weather conditions, the type of windows you have, and your personal preferences.

Generally speaking, the best time for window cleaning is during the spring, early summer, and fall months. During these seasons, the weather tends to be mild and there is less chance of extreme temperatures or precipitation. Additionally, cleaning your windows during these times can help prepare your home for the upcoming mid-summer or winter months, when you’ll likely be using your HVAC system more frequently.

However, it’s important to note that the “best” time for window cleaning can also vary depending on the type of windows you have. For example, if you have older tinted windows, it’s important to try to avoid cleaning them during the hottest parts of the day, as the heat can cause the tint or coating to become damaged. Similarly, if you have windows with intricate or delicate designs, it’s important to choose a time when you can clean them without damaging the design.

While spring and fall are generally the best times for window cleaning, it’s also important to avoid cleaning your windows too soon after a storm or during extreme weather conditions. If your area has recently experienced high winds or heavy rainfall, it’s best to wait until the weather has settled before scheduling your window cleaning appointment. This will help ensure that your windows are in the best possible condition before they are cleaned.

In conclusion, the best time for window cleaning depends on a variety of factors, including the weather conditions, the type of windows you have, and your personal preferences. Generally speaking, spring and fall are the optimal times for window cleaning, but it’s important to avoid cleaning your windows too soon after a storm or during extreme weather conditions. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your windows are in the best possible condition year-round.

Do I Need A Moss Treatment, or Do I Need Moss Removal?

If you’re a homeowner, you may have noticed that moss has started to grow on your roof. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also cause damage to your roof over time. But what’s the best way to deal with it – do you need to have the moss removed completely or can it be treated and left alone? In this blog post, we’ll explore the options and help you decide which one is right for you.

First, let’s talk about roof moss treatment. This involves using a special solution that is applied to the mossy areas of your roof. The solution kills the moss and prevents it from growing back. This option is a good choice if the moss growth is relatively new and hasn’t caused any significant damage to your roof yet. It’s also a more affordable option than roof moss removal.

However, if the moss has been on your roof for a long time, it may have started to damage your roof shingles. In this case, roof moss removal is the better option. This involves physically removing the moss from your roof, either by hand or with a stiff-bristled brush. Another option is with a pressure washer, but we do not recommend you do this because if it is done wrong severe damage can be done to your roof. When it comes to removal, while this option is more expensive than moss treatment, it’s necessary if the moss has started to damage your roof. Leaving the moss in place can lead to water damage, leaks, and even roof failure over time.

So, how do you know which option is right for you? A professional roof moss cleaner can inspect your roof and recommend the best course of action based on the severity of the moss growth and any damage that has already occurred. It’s important to address the issue sooner rather than later to prevent any further damage to your roof.

At Hal Bennett Window, Gutter, and Roof Cleaning we will do this for you for FREE with no obligations. So call today to set your free estimate by calling 253-225-6454. Or visit our main site for more details.